Soar High Eagle Necklace


NEW!!! Soar High Eagle Necklace
There are many things I love about this piece and eagle spirit symbolism.
Eagles are one of the most powerful birds roaming the skies, with their regal heads, stark beaks, and pensive eyes giving an air of magnetism and importance. They capture your attention as they fly overhead, and it is hard not to stop and stare when you notice one.
Eagles represent expansion, strength, a higher perspective, loyalty, victory, power, foresight, vision, and manifestation. Their dominant element of air draws your attention to mental pursuits, inspiration, dreams, and spiritual aspirations. They can show up when you have set your sights on a goal, aspiration, or challenge.
Caste bronze on green beaded chain, choose a green heart or a red heart accent. The perfect gift for your young ones leaving the nest and venturing out on their own, or, for anyone with their goals set high. Soar high like the eagle in your eagle necklace.



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