
Crazy for Daisies Necklace

By Michelle DaRin / January 7, 2022

NEW!!!! Crazy for Daisies Necklace.
The daisy flower is associated with all things positive. It stimulates creative thinking and supports honesty and loyalty, that’s why we are crazy for daisies. Daisy flower chain in periwinkle with caste bronze daisy charm. This necklace pairs well with the crazy 4 you One and Only bracelets NEW for Valentine’s Day!

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Enjoy the Journey Mandala Necklace

By Michelle DaRin / January 7, 2022

It’s better to travel well, than to arrive.
Enjoy the Journey Mandala Necklace, a glowing beautiful reminder to stay in the moment, enjoy the journey, including the ups the downs and the sideways. Caste bronze mandala pendant on glowing beautiful turquoise and brass beaded chain. #winning

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2022 Year of the Water Tiger Necklace

By Michelle DaRin / December 29, 2021

2022 Year of the Water Tiger!!!
Each zodiac sign is associated with one of the five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. This year is the year of The Water Tiger: Straightforward, they work hard and go after what they want.
Tiger mainly contains Yang-Wood, which is a tall tree. It also contains Yang-Fire and Yang-Earth. Yang-Fire is related to the sun and Yin-Earth is related to the mountain. Tiger is a tall tree on the mountain under the sun. Tiger is a symbol of power, prestigiousness, and loneliness. Tiger cannot get along with many animals. The Water of 2022 helps the tree of the Tiger grow taller and stronger. That means 2022 brings strong Wood energy to people. You will have good fortune if the Wood is your Lucky Element.
Here is to GOOD FORTUNE in 2022.
Caste bronze and beaded glass chain.

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Silver Sacred Heart Jewel Tone Necklace

By Michelle DaRin / December 23, 2021

Silver Sacred Heart Necklace. Caste silver Sacred Heart Medallion on ruby jewel tone pink glass rosary chain. The sacred heart is one of the most revered symbols in Roman Catholicism, and it specifically represents Christ’s love for mankind through his sacrifice on the cross. Christ’s suffering is portrayed in the sacred heart with a knife going through it and a crown of thorns surrounding it.

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Plant The Seeds New Year Necklace

By Michelle DaRin / December 21, 2021

What omens, spiritual, and symbolic meanings are associated with acorns? These objects, seeds of the mighty oak tree, are rich with meaning. Also, their meaning varies from culture to culture around the world. Generally speaking, though, acorns represent immortality through rebirth, the cycle of life and the seasons, growth, might, humble beginnings, abundance, prosperity, and good luck.
Just think one tiny acorn grows into a mighty oak. Plant the seeds of what you want to manifest in 2022. Think and grow. The perfect piece to bring you into the New Year!
caste bronze and earth tone rosary chain.

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Jolly Old Saint Nicholas Necklace

By Michelle DaRin / December 20, 2021

Jolly Saint Nicholas Necklace
Most of the world might know him as Santa Claus, but Saint Nicholas’ role as the Patron Saint of Children makes him the number one choice for Catholic Saints children know and love!
Saint Nicholas was an early Christian bishop of Greek descent from the maritime city of Myra during the time of the Roman Empire. He is the Patron Saint of children, sailors, and wolves because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession. He is also known as Nicholas the Wonderworker, he is still inspiring children all over the world to believe in miracles and hope.
Caste bronze medallion inspired by Turkish design with cool winter white and blue colored beaded chain. Pairs nicely with the 3 Kings Bracelet.

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Let’s Build a Snowman Necklace

By Michelle DaRin / December 19, 2021

Let’s Build a Snowman Necklace
Appreciating the beauty created when snowflakes stick together to create magical winter scenery, natures miracles embodied in this beautiful snowflake necklace. Enameled copper and available in purple or pink on sparkly beaded purple chain, the perfect gift for a friend.
“Nature is full of genius, full of the divinity; so that not a snowflake escapes its fashioning hand.”

– Henry David Thoreau.

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Silver Miraculous Mary Devotional Necklace

By Michelle DaRin / December 18, 2021

Silver Miraculous Mary Necklace
Caste silver Miraculous Mary Medal on silver rosary chain. Heart shaped silver medallion on glass chain.
The Miraculous Medal (French: Médaille miraculeuse), also known as the Medal of Our Lady of Graces, is a devotional medal, the perfect gift for harnessing miracles. Sending out hope and love and miracles to all those in need right now.

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Soar High Eagle Necklace

By Michelle DaRin / December 16, 2021

NEW!!! Soar High Eagle Necklace
There are many things I love about this piece and eagle spirit symbolism.
Eagles are one of the most powerful birds roaming the skies, with their regal heads, stark beaks, and pensive eyes giving an air of magnetism and importance. They capture your attention as they fly overhead, and it is hard not to stop and stare when you notice one.
Eagles represent expansion, strength, a higher perspective, loyalty, victory, power, foresight, vision, and manifestation. Their dominant element of air draws your attention to mental pursuits, inspiration, dreams, and spiritual aspirations. They can show up when you have set your sights on a goal, aspiration, or challenge.
Caste bronze on green beaded chain, choose a green heart or a red heart accent. The perfect gift for your young ones leaving the nest and venturing out on their own, or, for anyone with their goals set high. Soar high like the eagle in your eagle necklace.

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