Pink Peacock Feather Earrings and bracelet, Countdown ’til Christmas Event

Love these earrings, they definitely make a statement. The peacock has long been a symbol of immortality and renewal. In ancient Greece it was the patron bird of the Goddess Hera. According to the myth she placed the ‘eyes’ on the bird symbolizing all-seeing knowledge and the wisdom of the heavens. The peacock is a possessor of some of the most admired human characteristics, and is a symbol of the integrity and the beauty we can achieve when we show our true colors. Be yourself, enjoy!
today only online these beauties are 50 {e5dec8b4b66a639d995106de5dd1776bdb988904ee59a804ef4f933665d93597} regular retail $120, one pair and the bracelet for $60 great gift idea

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