Koyaanisqatsi Necklace, Countdown ’til Christmas Event, SOLD

I have always felt a strong connection to Native American Culture. They were the first stewards of the land, never taking too much and always giving back, cultivating and respecting mother nature. This piece is about honoring the spirit of the Native American Culture and the lessons they have to teach us. In 1984 I saw the movie Koyaanisqatsi, it left an impact on me. The word in the Hopi language means “life out of balance” it was powerful then and now. For me, a harbinger of the future and how we need to listen to mother nature, and show some RESPECT. KOYAANISQATSI
this piece is part of my Countdown ’til Christmas Event and will be 50 % off today online only, only one of these is available at this price, it is made of brass, silver, leather, and a vintage horse bridal rosette, very special, it will be hard to let go of this one, but I am trying hard to get the word out about my work and the things that are important to me, the environment being something near and dear to my heart I hope you enjoy it. peace This piece SOLD, went to a special friend thanks Amy for supporting my work love ya!

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