
I Believe in Miracles Necklace

By Michelle DaRin / December 15, 2021

The holiday season is a time of hope. These new Miraculous Mary pieces are dedicated to anyone in need of a miracle right now. A reminder we can all call on Mary in our time of need to ask for her help and guidance. Necklaces are available in midnight rosary chain or silver gray. Made of caste bronze and 16 inches long, but you can request custom length if you prefer. Pair it with Miraculous Mary bracelet and earrings, sold separately.

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Supernova Necklace

By Michelle DaRin / December 14, 2021

So intriguing, how a star is born…
A star is born when atoms of light elements are squeezed under enough pressure for their nuclei to undergo fusion. … And once the fusion reactions begin, they exert an outward pressure. As long as the inward force of gravity and the outward force generated by the fusion reactions are equal, the star remains stable.
Clouds of gas are common in our galaxy and in other galaxies like ours. These clouds are called nebulae. A typical nebula is many light-years across and contains enough mass to make several thousand stars the size of our sun. The majority of the gas in nebulae consists of molecules of hydrogen and helium–but most nebulae also contain atoms of other elements, as well as some surprisingly complex organic molecules. These heavier atoms are remnants of older stars, which have exploded in an event we call a supernova. The source of the organic molecules is still a mystery.
Stars, nebulae, supernovas, all inspiration for this piece. The star is made from copper, one of the elements that make up everything that exists on our planet. Glass leopard beaded chain and vintage Italian acrylic accent. An accessory that reminds us that we are all made of the stuff of stars.
Pair this piece with Leopard Ring, Star Earrings, and Ball and Chain Necklace to complete the look.

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Saint Francis Necklace, Patron Saint of Our Pets

By Michelle DaRin / December 14, 2021

Saint Francis, Patron Saint of our pets – Prayer for Our Pets.
“You blessed us with all living creatures. Who are our friends and who bring us so much joy in life. … May my pet continue giving me joy and remind me of Your power. Amen.”
Caste bronze Saint Francis pendant on clear blueish rosary chain, the perfect gift for the pet lover in your life. Sending out much love to our four legged friends. The medallion features a dog to the right of Saint Francis and in his hand a bird. In addition to being the patron Saint of animals, Francis is the patron saint of ecology, all living things, big and small. Pair it with smaller Saint Francis bracelet, sold separately.

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3 Little Kittens Lost Their Mittens Necklace

By Michelle DaRin / December 13, 2021

3 Little Kittens Lost Their Mittens Necklace. There are actually 4 little kittens depicted on this beautifully caste bronze medallion with crystal and jasper beaded chain. This image reminds me of the nursery rhyme about the 3 little naughty kittens that lost their mittens, their mom said, “you shall have no pie”. Then the naughty kittens found their mittens and their mom said, “you silly kittens, now you may have some pie”. I am sure we have all lost a few mittens on our journey, here is to finding your mittens, and kittens everywhere.

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On Prancer!!!!

By Michelle DaRin / December 10, 2021

On Prancer!!!
“And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name; “Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!”
Prance your way into 2022 with this beautiful reindeer pendant made of caste bronze on frosty blue rosary chain.

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Read the Signs Necklaces

By Michelle DaRin / December 9, 2021

I Love You or Rock On Read the Signs Necklaces. The perfect gift to say I love you, or you ROCK!! Caste bronze on mushroom colored beaded chain.

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She Ran Calling Wildfire Necklace

By Michelle DaRin / December 6, 2021

She Ran Calling Wildfire Necklace.
Inspired by the 1970’s hit song by Michael Martin Murphey. Murphey says the song came to him in a dream. He believes it was his subconscious recalling the Native American ghost horse story legends told to him by his grandfather. The song tells the story of a young girl and her pony tragically lost in a blizzard. Murphey was also open about his deep Christian beliefs. He noted that the Book of Revelations in the Bible speaks of Jesus coming back on a white horse. Although “Wildfire” is rooted in the supernatural, Murphey says it can also be viewed as a religious allegory. The lost white horse, Wildfire, can be seen as a symbol for the Savior.
Caste bronze horse medallion on dusty dessert colored beaded rosary chain.

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Give a Hoot Don’t Pollute Woodsy the Owl

By Michelle DaRin / December 6, 2021

Give a Hoot Don’t Pollute Woodsy the Owl Necklace. Available in three colors, green, orange, yellow, request your option in the notes at checkout.
Give a Hoot Don’t Pollute Necklace, inspired by the environmentalist Woodsy the Owl from the 70’s owl. They come in a variety of 70’s earth tone colors on black lava beaded 8 mm chain. Pick your favorite retro color!!

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Save the Coarl Reef Necklace

By Michelle DaRin / December 5, 2021

Save the Coral Reef Necklace.
Enameled copper with coral colored hoplite beaded rosary chain 16 inches long can request custom length if you prefer.
Coral jewelry has been found in ancient Egyptian and prehistoric European burials and was especially popular during the Victorian age. Ancient Egyptians used coral pieces in tombs as protection against evil spirits in the afterworld.
Individuals with a Coral Totem Animal are hard as a rock, within and without. Their walls seem impenetrable, and no matter the storm surging around them, they stand firm. Nothing gets rushed. Nothing goes unplanned, and nothing happens without trusting in Universal guidance.

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