The Fox Lava Necklace


The Fox,
You are intensely loyal. Often you are a joy to watch or to be around. You are energetic, outgoing, personable, and very flattering. While not exactly social butterflies fox people can use that sly energy, their keen sense of camouflage to “fit right in”. You are also a keen observer and skilled at remaining unnoticed. This means that you blend into your environment and move around unnoticed in any kind of company or society.

You adapt and portray yourself as whoever you need to be in a given interaction. This affinity for fitting in often means you are a jack of all trades, taking interest and educating yourself superficially in great number of areas while mastering none. This allows you to chat or small talk with ease whenever you care to. This does not mean you are disingenuous. It simply means that you really do care and take an active interest in the feelings of those around you. Caste bronze and lava on 16 inch chain.


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